Explore what you need to know about Wooclap subscriptions. Manage your subscription, discover our paying plans and our premium Wooclap features.
7 articles
Wooclap subscription costs and detailsHow do I upgrade, cancel, and pay for a licence? What is the business/education pricing? Are the remaining months on my licence refunded?
How to Cancel my subscription?Find out how to cancel your Wooclap subscription when the auto-renewal is set up. Follow our guide to manage your plan and modify your account easily.
Create a team & invite colleagues to WooclapWooclap allows you to create your team, and invite your colleagues so they can also benefit from your subscription! Foster collaboration by sharing events.
Accessing your organisation's licenceFind out how to join the plan of your organisation and unlock your free unlimited access to Wooclap. Access to Wooclap and unlock all features!
Wooclap is free for teachers in FR, QC and BEAccess now the free version of Wooclap for teachers in primary and secondary education in France, Belgium, and Quebec. Enhance your classroom.
Where can I find my invoices?Learn how to easily access and download your invoices on Wooclap. Stay organized and manage your billing information with just a few clicks.
Wooclap Terms & Privacy Policy GuideLearn about Wooclap's terms and conditions and find the privacy policy. Understand how your data is handled to ensure a secure experience.