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How to add sound to a question?

Discover how to add sound to a question on Wooclap and unlock new possibilities and scenarios to measure your participants’ listening skills

Updated over 5 months ago

Steps to upload sound files for enhanced interaction

Remember this option that allowed you to upload a picture to your questions or answers? Well, now you can also add sound files! This feature is available to all Wooclap users and is perfect if you are looking to make your events more accessible, fun and interactive.

Add the sound file

To upload your mp3 sound file to either the question or an answer, click on the 🎵 symbol on the left. Please note that your file must not exceed 20 MB.

All Wooclap question types can have a sound file added to them, with one exception for the Slide question type, as the instructions field (1) does not support sound files. That’s it!

Launch your Wooclap event

Once the question is launched on the presenter’s side, you will see a ▶️ symbol next to the answers or the instructions where you have added a sound file.

Only the presenter can play and stop the sounds inserted into the Wooclap event. If you would like your participants to play the sound at their own pace, you can add the files to a Participant pace questionnaire.

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