How to create and manage slides in Wooclap for presentation?
Slides allow you to share information with participants, add instructions to a questionnaire, and explain theoretical concepts.
On Wooclap, you have two options:
1. Uploading a presentation
You can upload a presentation you've created somewhere else (PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote, Google Slides) and add interactions in between the slides.
Please note that the files you upload will be converted into images, and that you will therefore lose all animations and links you inserted into your slides. For PowerPoint files, there is an alternative: our PPT add-in allows you to insert questions directly into your file.
If you don't have any animations, but you wish to add links to your presentation, you can do so with the feature described below.
2. Using the various templates of the Slide interaction
These templates use a language called Markdown to format text.
If you don't know Markdown, that's not an issue: you can take a look at the formatting help on the right to guide you in the creation of your slide.
Title slide
Bullet points & Numbered bullet points
Slide with code
Simply type the piece of text you would like in between backticks, like so `this is a code`.
Slide with an image
You can also add a picture to your slides.
There are two possibilities:
1. You can add a picture as a background by clicking on the grey area in the slide (1) or from the panel on the right. You can also choose different layout formats from that same side panel (2). The picture will be imported from your computer files;
2. You can also add a picture to your slides via the markdown syntax: . The image will be inserted directly in the slide, between text lines.
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind while adding a picture to a slide via the markdown syntax :
The image must be hosted somewhere on the Internet (and not on your computer) to appear on the slide;
The text written in between square brackets (instead of “alt-text”) is meant to give information about the image for visually impaired people through the use of screen readers.