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How to import questions from Brightspace?

Find out how you can import Brightspace quizzes into Wooclap. Simplify your workflow and bring your existing content to life in interactive sessions!

Updated over 5 months ago

If you have previously created quizzes in Brightspace, you can use the "Import questions" function to transfer them to Wooclap!

Guide to import questions from Brightspace

Exporting your questions from Brightspace

First, head over to your Brightspace account and click on “View All Courses”.

From there, select a course, go into its settings by clicking on the cog symbol on the right and choose “Import/Export/Copy Components”.

Select the option “Export as Brightspace Package”. Please note that the file has to be exported as a Brightspace Package and not as a Common Cartridge.

A new tab will open where you can select the components you wish to export. Please select the checkbox “Quizzes” among the list of components then click on “Continue”.

Click on “Export” to confirm the components you wish to export. Once the download is complete, you will receive a notification on your dashboard. You can access the menu to download your file by clicking on the bell on the top right.

Then click on “Click here to download the export Zip package” to start downloading your zip file.

After extracting the zip, you will get a file titled imsmanifest.xml and various files called quiz_(name of your course).xml. Please note that you should only use the documents quiz_(name of your course).xml for the import into Wooclap to work.

Importing your questions into Wooclap

Now that you have your xml files, let’s import them into Wooclap!

In order to import your Brightspace xml files into Wooclap, head over to your “My events” dashboard, select the event in which you want to import your Brightspace quizzes and then click on “Import questions” in the upper right corner of your screen.

In this new tab, choose the option “From Brightspace” to import your files. Select a file by clicking on the blue “+” symbol and click on “Import”.

And there you have it! Now you know how to import your questions into Wooclap from Brightspace.

About this feature

Please note that only Brightspace quizzes can be exported to Wooclap for now. There are a few limitations to take into account as well when it comes to question types in Brightspace and in Wooclap:

  • The Multiple Choice question type becomes a MCQ question type in Wooclap with only one correct answer.

  • The Multi-Select question type becomes a MCQ question type in Wooclap with various possible answers.

  • The Short Answer question type becomes an Open Question in Wooclap.

  • The Multi-Short Answer question type becomes an Open Question in Wooclap where all the answers are listed once imported into Wooclap.

  • Matching in Brightspace differs slightly from Wooclap. Indeed, in Wooclap there is always a matching element per destination. Please note that Arithmetic and Significant figures aren’t supported.

  • The Long Answer question type becomes an Open Question in Wooclap.

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